Tuesday 11 December 2012




`Released on 8 September 2003, is the debut single an Asian Underground song, which was Sean's debut single

Jay Sean - Dance With You

At beggining of the video the artists have  introductions to their names - "Jay sean ,Risi Rich ,Juggy D"

It also specifiies that it is set in the "UK" -> sepcififying the genre and country emphasising that it is a British asian genre.
The setting is near flats /suburbs near shutters / shops which gives the video a urban feel to the video.

 They own a dj set/ speakers set up therefore reinforcing the  independent and low budget side to underground music and of the Asian music industry - at scene 0:25.

 The editing and shots relate to a cctv camera and gives shorts as if it is recorded by cctv, this may connote the fact that it might be illegal. and gives a underground scene feel to the video 0:10.

Jay sean is with his mates who are of the same ethnicity of him 'indian' 1:25 - he having a laugh with his mates and enjoying himself unlike in the video of I'm all yours where it seems scripted and forcesd to have to be friends and work with Pitbull as a artist .

 The propps used of an microphone show the lack of techjnology and gives a traditional old feel .

Jay sean is wearing a sikh religious symbol on wrist kara perhaps may show he is in touch with religion and proud of his ethnicity.

However unlike the Im all yours video, he is not wearing any materialist jewlary such as chains, rings , sunglasses etc. .

The setting is re-emphasised by the ghetto like setting with kids on bikes, also the street performance which Jay sean and his friends are performing - is significant - perhaps it connotes that you have to go through alot to get recognised in the asian industry or even that it  attracting everyone all ethnicities/ genders , mix cultured society as most people within the video are of all non white together perhaps highlighting post conolonial attitudes.

Within the video we see jay sean singing to girl and walking around girl which may symbolise role reversal of jay sean seducing the girl to try and get her.

The song style and genre of music is a mixture  of bhangra/ english/rap music - mixture of all genres pehraps could attract a wider audeicne and help them become mroe well known.

The lyrics within the chorus are the following : "i just wanna dace with you" which quite innocent and naive on approaching women, in comparision to his approach and wording in Im all yours.

Jay sean rapping himself  in comparision to another artist which can be once again compared to the Im all yours video where he has pitbull as a featured artist as the rapper.

On one of the scene in 1:24 a girl stops her car for him  comes out of the car rather than him and it can signify a role reversal - girl comes out car and towards him.

Another element which highlights the setting and genre is street dancing which gives it a urban feel . Jay sean is wearing a tshirt + hoodie  casual clothingarmy hoodie -> ironic in a sense in the language of punjabi a 'foji' = a army soldier and in slang UK terms a ‘Freshie’ and ‘foji’  relates to a person who is ‘illegally immigrated from India

Takes the hoodie off -> attracting the girl in 1:07 - arms - hairy in comaparision to 0:25 of Im all yours video  removale of arm hair showing he is  more concerned on apperance in the mainstream music industry.

He calls himself as a "crews " with his friends asian mates who are dancing  -bhangra traditional form of dancing, relating to their culture and Asian feel/ genre,

The lighitng dark gloomy underground lighting
jay translates in english


"I'm All Yours"  was officially released to US radio on May 22, 2012 is a R&B-hip-hop song by British artist Jay Sean

Jay Sean- Im all yours ft Pitbull

"miami fi "mentions the area the editing seems like it is typed up simmilar to as like a action movie connoting a  hollywood feel to the video.

The setting of an exotic location miami / and the  boat party perhaps may be  over exaggerated, the birds eye view is seen in the scenes 0:00-0:05. Jay sean reffers to himself and Pitbull as "pit + jay" -> in comparision to the intro of Jay Sean in the video of Dance with You - the  nicknames can connote that they are , well known, so their full names are not needed.

 The cars parked up and of the doors purposely open can give a  materialistic feel and a sense of Jay sean , showing off about his wealth.

Americanisation is seen throught the video. Jay seans says that "where you at bruv....girls everywhere" bruv- shows his slang colloquial language that he uses in the USA perhaps connoting that he is trying to fit in.

Jay sean is wearing a black t-shirt in the heat  in compasrison to everyone else , therfore he stand out as not the norm  as in the heat in miami black obsorbes heat and makes him even hotter perhaps trying to be the odd one out or perhaps it does shwo he cant transform into the american lifestyle in- 0:29

Jay seans clothin of now wearing hats/ caps and no longer has the long spikey hair can show his emphasis on his beauty and narcissm.

Alongside this his friends are now of a different ethnicity not the same showing how he has developed and changed , and perhaps no longer in touch with his asian friends/ side.

His clothing of the baggy jeans and trainers again reinforces a causal americanised fashion.

driving an expensive - car / full speed, 3 cars behind him, following him? -> action like, or just security? 0:09
sunglasses /chains/ rings - (bling) designer - USA americanisation
pitbull rapping rather than Jay sean
girls  come up to him + look at him etc
him standing stairing at girls, he can choose which one he wants ? 0:29
pitbull the one rapping
1:04 + 1:08 -> poses - like a photoshoot , acting superior
still wearing kara- religious symbol alongside materialistic watch/bracelets etc
girl seducing jay -> in comparision to 2003 video
singing to girl
standing near car -> car = a gateway and way for women-> women as golddiggers?
girl goes away  jay doesnt go after her - male dominance, status - 1:24
" i want this for the rest of my life" - > older ? marriage?
gets into car and drives away
white suit - classy sophisticated - no longer wearing hoodies/tshirts etc
hot tub in boat 1:57 -
women in bikinis etc
bring sunshine - brigting sunshine like lighting -> emphasising the exotic location - throughout video

Issues and debates
Representation and stereotyping; ->
Sterotyping of Asians and the Underground music industry in Jay Seans dance with you video
Representation of Americanisation of new music and of the music industry

Regulation and censorship;

 The effect of globalisation on the media.

signs and symbols ->
 Postmodernism and its critiques;
 Gender and ethnicity;
 Colonialism and Post-colonialism;
 Audience theories;
Genre theories.

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