Thursday 6 September 2012

MTV Geordie Shore - Research & Production

Geordie Shore is a reality television series, now the show is back with series 2 on the 31st January 2012 at watershead timing 10PM on MTVwhich has since largely departed from music programming and is now known for producing mostly teen-oriented programs. The show is set in and around Newcastle and a British adaptation of the American show Jersey Shore.The show follows the antics of eight young Geordies as they live, work aswell as including their drunken, violent and sexual exploits – making it the highest-ever rated series on MTV


Who Is being represented ?
 Representation of a group of ordinary Newcastle 18-26 year olds who are enjoying life and spend there time partying , trying to look for men/women ....                                    
Women In the tv series are stereotyped as typical glamorous women who care about there apperance, love having fights, having loads of friends, looking for the right man, emotionall , gossiping and etc however all the girls have different personalities which alter there represtentions at times ,this makes the programme more intresting and entertaining for audiences E.G : Sophie Kasaei "A girl who just wants to have fun, anything goes on a night out with Sophie. Confident, bubbly, loud-mouthed and super-sociable, don’t be surprised to find her at a club flashing her boobs or dancing on tables".
Men are also sterotyped typically who also care about there dominant apperance, looking for girls, drinking, fighting, etc however the boys also have different personalities which alter there represtentions at times , this makes the programme more intresting and entertaining for audiences
E.G: James Tindale Claiming to suffer from at least two hangovers a day in Mexico, clumsy James promises to deliver more laugh-out-loud moments than ever before in the gang’s latest stomping ground. .

By whom?
By MTV they may be created a certin character but some represntations are altered by there personality and there actions towards certin things  .

Why is the subject being represented in this way?
To make audiences identify with some of the representations but also feel entertained with the different personalities and representations which may not be usuall.

Is the representation fair and accurate?                                      
Not always , some of the respresentations may be fixed and altered for audiences and to make the series more entertaining. This makes it less accurate and hard to identify whether the representations are actually true or false.

What opportunities exist for self-representation by the subject?             
Opportunites for self representation are available as it is open for the characters to react how they want to things that happen within the programme, we see this as throughout the series loads of the actors have left and then returned later, this is purely the actors choice and shows that they are able to do as they wish , allowing them to create there own representations wheter that being for them to be someone who runs away from problems etc. For example : Sophie confirmed on her Twitter account that she will return in the fourth series.  However some of it is also scripted by MTV as most of the shows on MTV are scripted to purely create entertainment.

Media Languages and Forms

 What are the denotative and connotative levels of meaning? What is the significance of the text’s connotations?

What are the non-verbal structures of meaning in the text (e.g. gesture, facial expression, positional communication, clothing, props etc)?

What is the significance of mise-en-scene/sets/settings (CLAMPS)?
Costume: The clothing for women is usually revealing and to attract the male gaze, whilst men are more smart and casuall however frequently take of there tops to show off their masculinity / muscles etc to also attract the female gaze.
Lighting: Changes with the setting and moods of characters
Actors: Actors are specifically chosen by there personalities as then they will cause conflict and more entertainment for audiences. There apperance to make sure the are appealing and that they will fit in with the narrative of the programme .           
Make Up: Women : make up is speciffically done for there appearance to make them look attractive and to attract the male gaze. Men and women both also use fake tans which is a specific icon of the show as it creates a humerous aspect of the series and is a made sterotype of Newcastle people to be pale.
Props : The women have there props to make them look attractive e.g : jewllery accessories hair extentions etc , whilst men simmilarily have jewllery and ect
Setting: Setting in almost every episode involves a nightclub or party place, and also the setting of there set house these are the two main places the characters go and which makes the narrative easy to understand. However as the series have gone on the characters have now been going to exotic locations just as reality tv programmes do to make it more entertaining and exciting - e.g geordie shore in cancun/mexico in season 3 and magluf in season 2.

What work is being done by the sound track/commentary/language of the text?
The Language of the text is based on a newcastle accent, the accent is key as it comes with catcy phrases which audeinces find intresting and catchy for those who have not heard of them for example : "tash on , mint, mortal, bosh" etc which become an special element of the show which audiences are then able to identify with .

What are the dominant images and iconography, and what is their relevance to the major themes of the text? Dominant images and iconographies are probably drinking, makeup, sex, parties etc typicall things uni students and party going people would do.

What sound and visual techniques are used to convey meaning (e.g. camera positioning, editing; the ways that images and sounds are combined to convey meaning)?
Night camera - sexual refrences
Sound/ Music change : e.g when going to a party and when a character feels alone or left out e.g - Holly in Season 1 episode 4 .
Short interview/discussion of characters individually- to get individual views on issues/ topics and on their feelings .Camera positioning surveillance/ voyeurism-focused production .


 How is the narrative organised and structured?
The narrative is structed to have something new in each episode even though it is basically based on a group of people going out and partying and coming back to do stupid things it also has second hand plots as each character has there own narrative stories behind them e.g charlotte and gaz as there relationship is very complicated but at the same time humerous and emotionall . There narrative leaves a cliff hanger at the end of every series to anisipate the audience on whether there relationship will work out or not .

How is the audience positioned in relation to the narrative?                                                                    
Positioning as surveillance/ voyeurism as audience are positioned to be watching them at all times .The audeince is positioned to be omnicient and able to witness everything even at night with the night cameras , It is very simmilar to the positioning for audiences whilst watching Big Brother. It is therefore clearly a observational documentry following the lives of these outgoing geordies and how they live on a daily basis .

How are characters delineated/created?
Through there actions to situations and through the way MTV has scripted there characters

What is their narrative function? How are heroes and villains created?
Heros are created through either the person being the most responsible out of the other or the one whos the most mature and able to handle situations and help other firneds in need.
Villains are the ones who dislike other members in the group and like to cause fights and therefore act immature and out of reason.

What techniques of identification and alienation are employed?

What are the major themes of the narrative?
Partying, Conflicts , Sexual Refrences ,Relationships

Genre To which genre does the text belong?
British Reality Series

What are the major generic conventions within the text?
often exotic/exciting locations or abnormal situations that happen

To what extent are the characters generically determined?

To what extent are the audience’s generic expectations of the text fulfilled or cheated by the text?

Does the text conform to the characteristics of the genre, or does it treat them playfully or ironically?

Does the text feature a star, a director, a writer etc who is strongly associated with the genre? What meanings and associations do they have?

Media Institutions

What is the institutional source of the text?

In what ways has the text been influenced or shaped by the institution which produced it?
What difference does this make to the text?
MTV primarily broadcasts a variety of reality and scripted television programs targeted at adolescents and young adults. Therefore themes and language etc would be following the same lines to target the usuall MTV audience.
Actors may be persuaded to act in specific scripted ways by off-screen "story editors" or television producers, with the portrayal of events and speech manipulated and  to create an illusion of reality through direction and post-production editing techniques.

Is the source a public service or commercial institution?
Commercial Institution

Who owns and controls the institution concerned and does this matter?
MTV is owned by : Viacom Inc., short for "Video & Audio Communications  includes the multimedia entertainment brands: MTV, VH1, TMF, VIVA
Most of the MTV channels throughout Europe are licensed through the UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom

How has the text been distributed?

 Media Values and Ideology

What are the major values, ideologies and assumptions underpinning the text or naturalised within it?

What criteria have been used for selecting the content presented?
The ideology this text portrays is a theme of narcissism and wealth . As they dont seem to care much about normal day to day problems. It does not show the usual ideology that portrays people as clever as the cast members don’tmind being portrayed as dumb as it is mainly for entertainment.

 Media Audiences

What is the target audience? (Demographics, Psychographics)
16 to 24 Both Genders , socio class D-E, teens and adolescents
Aspires - who are young , materialistic , and who are concerned of image and apperance
Strugglers - drinkers , junk food, disorganised
And some mainstreamers

What assumptions about the audience’s characteristics are implicit within the text?

What assumptions about the audience are implicit in the text’s scheduling or positioning?
That the audience will be older and over 16 as it is scheduled at watershead timings at 10:00pm
and the positioning is usually with late shows such as south park etc/

In what conditions is the audience likely to receive the text?
If they watch any MTV programme such as MTV hits etc - as advertisements of the show is shown through all MTV channels. 

What do you know or can you assume about the likely size and constituency of the audience?
Large as making it was the highest-ever rated series on MTV. Therefore it is bound to have grasped a large audience.

What are the probable and possible audience readings of the text?

What are the audience pleasures, uses or gratifications? (Refer to theory).
You gain escapism of a easy lifestle of just partying and getting with girls/boys,
Others gain realisation of the adoltesent and teen lifestyle and what some may get up to
and It can also just gain pure entertainment wating the fighting and house life problems etc

How do you, as an audience member, read and evaluate the text?
To what extent is your reading and evaluation influenced by your age, gender, background etc?
As an audience member I purely see it as entertainment and that it is intresting to see the conflict within the characters and the relationships , the partying and having fun aspect is another key aspect to witness a life of carefree madness . My age, gender and background has influenced on the way I  reading and evaluate the text as the text is aimed at people withing my age group and as an adoltesent it is intresting to witness people living lifestyles so hectic and careless. Others watch this program and the themes are relatable for people of 16 and over as they now are looking forward to experiancing the same kind of life with partying and relationships and sexual activity etc . And for teens 17/18 they would be wanting to experiance the same kind of lifestyle in university etc.

 Refrences /Evidence :,,, , ,  ,

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